in file "addons/mail/static/src/models/message_action_list/message_action_list.js" there is a js class:
/** @odoo-module **/
import { registerNewModel } from '@mail/model/model_core';
import { attr, many2one, one2one } from '@mail/model/model_field';
import { clear, insertAndReplace, replace } from '@mail/model/model_field_command';
import { markEventHandled } from '@mail/utils/utils';
function factory(dependencies) {
class MessageActionList extends dependencies['mail.model'] {
* @private
* @returns {boolean}
_computeHasReplyIcon() {
MessageActionList.fields = {
MessageActionList.identifyingFields = ['messageView'];
MessageActionList.modelName = 'mail.message_action_list';
return MessageActionList;
registerNewModel('mail.message_action_list', factory);
I want to override a _computeHasReplyIcon()
how can I do this?
You can use the registerInstancePatchModel
to override the _computeHasReplyIcon
function as they did in the im_livechat module:
/** @odoo-module **/
import { registerInstancePatchModel } from '@mail/model/model_core';
registerInstancePatchModel('mail.message_action_list', 'im_livechat/static/src/models/message_action_list/message_action_list.js', {
// Private
* @override
_computeHasReplyIcon() {
if (
this.message &&
this.message.originThread &&
this.message.originThread.channel_type === 'livechat'
) {
return false;
return this._super();