I'm trying to do some web scraping using typescript, axios and cheerio but I'm running into issues with this error:
Argument of type '{ contestcode: string; contestname: string; conteststart: string; contestduration: string; startsin: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
this is my code
//function for data scraping
async function datascraper(){
//try catch block
//getting the url from axios
const {data} = await axios.get(url);
//loading the html using cheerio load
const $ = load(data);
//defining the target class
const contests = $('.MuiTableBody-root',$.html());
//array to fit in the json objects
const contestlist = [];
//creating an object
const contestdetails = {contestcode: '',
contestname: '',
conteststart: '',
contestduration: '',
contestdetails.contestcode = $(el).children('p').text();
//error: Argument of type '{ contestcode: string; contestname: string; conteststart: string; contestduration: string; startsin: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
I'm getting the error at contestlist.push(contestdetails)
I've tried trouble shooting it by creating an interface and defining the array as a string[] but nothing is working and I ran out of ideas. I keep getting the same error.
When you instantiate an array without explicitly typing it (and the array itself doesn't contain any type information), TypeScript defaults to typing that array as never[]
const contestlist = ['someString']; // string[]
const contestlist = [123]; // number[]
const contestlist = []; // never[]
If you intend to push a value of a given type to this array later on, explicitly typing the array will avoid this inference path
type ContestDetails = {
contestcode: string;
contestname: string;
conteststart: string;
contestduration: string;
startsin: string;
const contestlist: ContestDetails[] = [] // ContestDetails[]
const contestdetails: ContestDetails = {
contestcode: '',
contestname: '',
conteststart: '',
contestduration: '',
startsin: ''
contestList.push(contestdetails) //valid