Is it possible to pass the column of the current row as an object like variable so i can extract some informations from that in a function? The function can be inside a package
For example
Select myfunction(column1) from dual;
And then in the function get the the information of this column like an object
Function myfunction(objCol object)
Return something
... declaration
schema := objCol.schema
table := objCol.table_name
do some other things
return something
Something like that?
Oracle is not object-oriented by default and it will not pass a normal column as an object enhanced with metadata about itself. Without creating custom object types and variables and/or tables, columns and nested tables that use those custom object types, all the values you pass will be scalars. So, with a normal table you'd have to pass in not only the column value, but any attributes about that column you need (schema, table name, column name, etc.):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myfunction (owner IN varchar2, table_name IN varchar2, column_name IN varchar2, column_value IN varchar2)
RETURN something
-- do something with owner, table_Name, column_name and column_value
RETURN something
SELECT myfunction('MYSCHEMA','MYTABLE','MYCOLUMN',mycolumn)
FROM myschema.mytable
Also, Oracle is hard-typed, so if you want a generic function you'll need to create overloads (multiple definitions in a package with the same function name) for different possible datatypes of my_column/column_value
. One for strings, one for numbers, one for dates, etc..