I'm creating a dictionary this way:
num_states = 26565000
num_actions = 7
self.P = {
state: {action: [] for action in range(num_actions)}
for state in range(num_states)
It's taking quite a bit and I would like to insert print(state)
to check the progress of the creation. I'm not sure where to put it.
I need this dictionary beacause I need to involve the whole observation space for an agent I'm trying with reinforcement learning
I usually use the regular for loops:
for state in range(num_states)
for action in range(num_actions)
I'm not sure how to achieve the same result using this way of coding a for loop.
num_states = 26565000
num_actions = 7
P = {}
for state in range(num_states):
P[state] = {action: [] for action in range(num_actions)}
if state % 10000 == 0: #print only once on every 1 in 10000
print(f"\r{state/num_states:.2%}", end="")