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Is it possible to just update Rails form input field value using turbo frames?

Let's say I have a form built with Rails form builder. It has a text field, and I want to dynamically update the input field's value using AJAX and turbo streams.

Is it possible to update the same text field's value without replacing it with a newly created text field using the text_field helper from the turbo stream view?

This Gorails tutorial has a similar use case, but he is updating the values of a select tag. So, he just updated the options of the select tag using options_for_select helper so the select field remains on the DOM as it is, while only the options are replaced.


  • There is no built in way to do this, but making custom turbo stream actions is very easy:

    // app/javascript/application.js
    Turbo.StreamActions.update_input = function () {
      this.targetElements.forEach((target) => {
        target.value = this.templateContent.textContent
    # app/views/users/_form.html.erb
    <%= form_with model: @user do |f| %>
      <%= f.text_field :name %>
      <%= f.submit %>
    <% end %> 
    # app/controllers/users_controller.rb
    def update
      helpers.fields model: @user do |f|
        render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.action(
         :update_input, f.field_id(:name), "new value"

    If you need another example: