Consider the following user-defined function:
Function LIMPA(x as String) as String
Dim oFunctionAccess As Object
oFunctionAccess = createUnoService("")
LIMPA = oFunctionAccess.callFunction("REGEX", Array(x, "^\d+\:\d+\sPM", "", 0))
End Function
Unfortunately, this function does not return the correct result for the following string:
5:32 PMMuitas letras
The result should be
Muitas letras
but I am getting exactly the same string, that is:
5:32 PMMuitas letras
Moreover, I get an error if I try to run the function as an array formula.
Any ideas? Thanks!
The last argument of 0 indicates not to match any occurrences. This works:
MsgBox oFunctionAccess.callFunction(_
"REGEX", Array("5:32 PMMuitas letras", "^\d+\:\d+\sPM", "", ""))
To match exactly one occurence, specify 1
as mentioned by @JohnSUN.
If you enter =REGEX
and look at the tooltip text, it says:
Occurrence: Text specifying option flags, "g" for global replacement. Or number of occurrence [sic] to match or replace.
You also mentioned trying an array formula. In that case, x
is a two-dimensional array. Here is a version that handles both normal calls and array formula calls.
Function DoReplace(x as String) as String
Dim oFunctionAccess As Object
oFunctionAccess = createUnoService("")
DoReplace = oFunctionAccess.callFunction(_
"REGEX", Array(x, "^\d+\:\d+\sPM", "", ""))
End Function
Function LIMPA(x)
If IsArray(x) Then
Dim results(1 to UBound(x), 1 to 1) As String
For y = 1 to UBound(x)
results(y, 1) = DoReplace(x(y, 1))
LIMPA = results()
LIMPA = DoReplace(x)
End If
End Function
I suppose I ought to have handled the case where the array formula spans multiple columns, but you could add that if needed, for example Dim results(1 to UBound(x, 1), 1 to UBound(x, 2)) As String