I am using this code to get Arabic Date.
$DateTime = new DateTime();
$IntlDateFormatter = new IntlDateFormatter(
IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL );
echo $IntlDateFormatter->format( $DateTime );
I am getting result Muh. 4, 1445 AH, 4:01:56 PM
. But I need date 4 Muharram 1445
So this should work:
$DateTime = new DateTime();
$IntlDateFormatter = new IntlDateFormatter(
IntlDateFormatter::NONE, // No date format, as we'll specify the pattern manually
IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, // Use default time format
// Set the custom pattern for the date
$pattern = "d MMMM y";
echo $IntlDateFormatter->format($DateTime);
the $pattern = "d MMMM y";
is the cause