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My linked list implementation in Rust won't insert a new element at the end of the list

I am implementing the linked list data structure in Rust to try and learn the language. I was following a tutorial, but I noticed that their implementation inserted an element only at the start of a linked list, and not at its end. I searched for other implementations online and found they all did the same thing. So I set out to make my own version of the insert()/add() fn.

type NodePointer<T> = Option<Box<ListNode<T>>>;

struct ListNode<T> {
    data: T,
    next: NodePointer<T>,

struct LinkedList<T> {
    head: NodePointer<T>,

impl<T: std::fmt::Debug> LinkedList<T> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self { head: None }

    fn insert(&self, input: T) {
        let new_node = Some(Box::new(ListNode::<T> {
            data: input,
            next: None,

        let mut head = &self.head;
        loop {
            match head {
                Some(node) => {
                    println!("passing by {:?}",;
                    head = &;
                None => {
                    head = &new_node;
                    println!("inserted {:?}", head.as_ref().unwrap().data);


Somehow, whenever I call insert(), the head variable I initialize outside the loop always has the value None. Can someone please point out what I am doing wrong?


  • To mutate your list, it is very likely that you will need &mut self in your insert() function. The fact that it compiles without is a big red flag that something is wrong.

    Your mistake is the following line:

    head = &new_node;

    This line modifies the head variable, not what it points at!

    What you probably intended is:

    *head = new_node;

    Now, all in a sudden, we do get the problem which I already talked about, that this isn't possible without having self be mutable:

    error[E0594]: cannot assign to `*head`, which is behind a `&` reference
      --> src\
    33 |                     *head = new_node;
       |                     ^^^^^ `head` is a `&` reference, so the data it refers to cannot be written
    help: consider changing this to be a mutable reference
    25 |         let mut head = &mut self.head;
       |                         +++

    This can easily be solved by changing all & references to &mut references.

    Also, one of the printlns had to be fixed.

    Here is the final working code:

    type NodePointer<T> = Option<Box<ListNode<T>>>;
    struct ListNode<T> {
        data: T,
        next: NodePointer<T>,
    struct LinkedList<T> {
        head: NodePointer<T>,
    impl<T: std::fmt::Debug> LinkedList<T> {
        fn new() -> Self {
            Self { head: None }
        fn insert(&mut self, input: T) {
            let new_node = Some(Box::new(ListNode::<T> {
                data: input,
                next: None,
            let mut head = &mut self.head;
            loop {
                match head {
                    Some(node) => {
                        println!("passing by {:?}", node.as_ref().data);
                        head = &mut;
                    None => {
                        *head = new_node;
                        println!("inserted {:?}", head.as_ref().unwrap().data);
    fn main() {
        let mut l = LinkedList::new();
        println!("{:#?}", l);
    inserted 42
    passing by 42
    inserted 69
    passing by 42
    passing by 69
    inserted 420
    LinkedList {
        head: Some(
            ListNode {
                data: 42,
                next: Some(
                    ListNode {
                        data: 69,
                        next: Some(
                            ListNode {
                                data: 420,
                                next: None,