I am trying to learn to program in Python. While I will use the built-in functions in the future, I want to understand how to program the routines from scratch as I believe it will better help me understand Python syntax and coding much better. I have been trying to write a program to numerically integrate a function by direct summation. I have been unable to figure out what changes I need to make to my program to get this to work in Python and some help would be appreciated.
from math import *
import numpy as np
N = int(input("Enter value for how many sums you wish to perform: "))
a = float(input("Enter the lower integration bound: "))
b = float(input("Enter the higher integration bound: "))
def Integrate(N, a, b):
def f(x):
return x**2 * e**(-x)*np.sin(x)
val = 0
out = 0
for i in range(N):
function += f(a+((i-(1/2))*((b-a)/N)))
out = ((b-a)/N)*val
return out
I tried the above code and I am not even obtaining an output, so I suspect there is something regarding the Python language I am missing.
Basic example of numerical integration, Riemann integral with a uniformly partitioned interval.
For convenience the function is passed as argument.
def Integrate(N, a, b, f):
# Riemann integral, evaluation at the midpoint of each interval
width = (b-a) / float(N)
return sum(f(a+(i+.5)*width)*width for i in range(N))
N = 10
a = 0
b = 1
# testing the area of a triangle
# test function - diagonal
def diagonal(x): return x
numerical_approx = Integrate(N, a, b, f=diagonal)
exact_area = (b-a)*diagonal(b) / 2 # base * height / 2
error = abs(numerical_approx - exact_area
The fact that the difference of areas is not zero is due to computational limitations of the float
data types.
For the original problem
def f(x):
return x**2 * np.e**(-x)*np.sin(x)
N, a, b = 10, 0, 1
I = Integrate(N=N, a=a, b=b, f=f)
for a rough check you can use numpy.trap
which use a trapezoidal approximation rule. Also if the result could be slightly different it is a good indicator (any integrable function will converge to the same value independently from the partion)
width = (b-a) / float(N)
y = [f(a+(i)*width) for i in range(N+1) ]
I_trap = np.trapz(y, dx=width)