Search code examples

How to find if a company (customer) ordered in a particular month and year and never before? (MySQL)

This would be considered a "new shop open" in that particular month and year. Say company Store123 placed their first order in January, 2023 and it checks if Store123 ordered before that. If the company did not than Store123 would be considered a "new shop open" starting in January 2023.

I only have one table with Columns:

**Company Order ID Close Date Amount**
Store123 00018972 2023-04-26 2880
StoreABC 00017237 2023-01-05 3720
Store123 00018242 2023-01-03 4280
StoreABC 00017123 2022-06-05 3231

This should return:

Store123 | 00018242 | 2023-01-03 | 4280

My logic is somewhat like this, even though this query isn't working

FROM Orders
WHERE MIN(Close Date) 
  BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-01-31'
GROUP BY 'Company';


  • You can try the query below

    -- New Shop Open
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders o
    WHERE `Close Date` >= '2023-01-01' AND `Close Date` < '2023-02-01'
        AND NOT EXISTS (
            SELECT 1
            FROM Orders
            WHERE Company = o.Company AND `Close Date` < '2023-01-01' 