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Bash: How to change select statement options input keys?

I am making a bash script with two case statements for creating a menu and its follow-up sub-menu.

My main menu is structured like this: Here, any selection is redirected to the SubMenu function.

Main-menu() {
    select INPUT in "Apple" "Banana" "Kiwi" "Coconut" "Pasta" "Exit"
        case $INPUT in
            "Apple") echo "You selected: $INPUT";SubMenu;;
            "Banana") echo "You selected: $INPUT";SubMenu;;
            "Kiwi") echo "You selected: $INPUT";SubMenu;;
            "Coconut") echo "You selected: $INPUT";SubMenu;;
            "Pasta") echo "You selected: $INPUT";SubMenu;;
            "Exit") echo "Goodbye..";exit;;
            *) echo -e "Please enter valid number";;

My sub-menu is structured similarly: Here, the selection is redirected to a function (FruitType,etc.).

SubMenu() {
echo "Which Category should this be under? Select from options below: [F,N,D,E]"
    select type in "Fruits" "Nuts" "Dinner" "Exit"
        case $type in
            "Fruits") echo "You selected: $type";FruitType;;
            "Nuts") echo "You selected: $type";NutsType;;
            "Dinner") echo "You selected: $type";DinnerType;;
            "Exit") echo "Goodbye..";exit;;
            *) echo -e "Please enter a valid letter";;

** The question here is for my SubMenu. I need to have [F,N,D,E] as my options for my input but it displays numeric options [1,2,3,4]. **

I have seen some examples of OPTARG and options like this:

while getopts u:p: option; do
    case $option in
        u) user=$OPTARG;;
        p) pass=$OPTARG;;

But here, I have to enter -u instead of u as my input. Also the options aren't displayed. I need to have the SubMenu options displayed and a letter as input.

Any ideas?


  • select is hardcoded to use numbers, but you can just use read -p instead without it:

    while read -r -p $'Which category should this be under?\nSelect from options: [F]ruit, [N]uts, [D]inner, [E]ggs -- or [Q]uit:' type
      case ${type^^} in
        F|FRUIT)  echo "You selected fruit";;
        N|NUTS)   echo "You selected nuts";;
        D|DINNER) echo "You selected dinner";;
        E|EGGS)   echo "You selected eggs";;
        Q|QUIT)   echo "Done with the loop"; break;;
        *)        echo "Invalid selection";;