I've read the docs but couldn't see if it is possible.
For example, how to implement a token bucket limiter that is increased limit if user pays for it? There is autoReplenish
property but what happens if you set it to false
? Can we increase the limit at runtime? Is there an injectable service for it?
Has anyone experienced it?
For example, how to implement a token bucket limiter that is increased limit if user pays for it?
The doc shows something very similar to what you have requested - you can return different partition keys and limiters for paid and unpaid users:
builder.Services.AddRateLimiter(opts => opts
.AddPolicy(policyName: "somePolicyName", partitioner: httpContext =>
var userName = httpContext.User.Identity?.Name ?? string.Empty;
// determine somehow if user is paid, for example set corresponding claim for token
// or any other method:
var isPaid = httpContext.User.HasClaim("paid", "true");
if (isPaid)
return RateLimitPartition.GetTokenBucketLimiter("Paid!:" + userName, _ =>
new TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions
// values for paid users
return RateLimitPartition.GetTokenBucketLimiter("Unpaid!:" + userName, _ =>
new TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions
// values for free users