The problem is that i am tackling to convert Organisations by NumberOfSpaceMission. If number of space mission smaller than particular value the new column important_organisation will be 'Other countries' otherwise it will be organisation's name which is index of dataframe.
def editCountry(row):
if row['NumberofSpaceMission'] < 10:
return 'Other organisation'
return row.index
new_df['important_organisations'] = new_df.apply(editCountry)
I tried some structure and ways using apply method.Moreover i employed with map function.
First create a default value:
new_df['important_organisations'] = 'Other organisation'
Then use pandas filtering to get the index values & assign to the respective rows:
new_df.loc[new_df['NumberofSpaceMission']>=10,'important_organisations'] = new_df.loc[new_df['NumberofSpaceMission']>=10].index