I was using combineLatest in my project which is working fine. But now it got deprecated. So i was looking for alternate solution. I am trying with "combineLatestWith". But it doesn't accept pipe operator and giving below error:
Property 'pipe' does not exist on type 'OperatorFunction<unknown, [unknown, string, number, boolean]>'
Any reason why I am not able to use pipe operator with combineLatestWith?? Below is my code:
export class TestService implements OnDestroy {
private _viewName$: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
public depth$: BehaviorSubject<number> = new BehaviorSubject<number>(2);
public graphMode$: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
private _loadSubtree$(rootId: string, showGlobalLoadingIndicator: boolean = false): Observable<OprTreeGridItem<CI>[]> {
//Below line has the error
return combineLatestWith(this._viewName$, this.depth$, this.graphMode$).pipe(
tap(() => this._isSubtreeLoading$.next(showGlobalLoadingIndicator)),
switchMap(([viewName, depth, graphMode]) => this._topViewGraphHttpService.getTopViewGraph(viewName, depth, -1, rootId, null, graphMode).pipe(
catchError(() => of([]))
map((topViewGraphDto: TopViewGraphDTO) => topViewGraphDto.graph),
withLatestFrom(this._viewName$, this._pickedCis$.pipe(startWith([])), this.includeViewAsRoot$),
tap(([nodesAndRelationsDto, viewName, pickedCis, includeViewAsRoot]: [TopViewGraphNodesAndRelationsDTO, string, CI[], boolean]) => {
map(() => {
// some code
As per the documentation, combineLatestWith
is an rxjs/operator function which returns an OperatorFunction
and not an Observable
The correct rxjs function that you are probably looking for here is combineLatest
which accepts an array of Observables and returns a new Observable