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Why is Interactive Browser Credential changing the scope I passed in?

I am trying to access my user info with Interactive Browser Credential, Graph Service Client, and asyncio.

I am passing in the default scope (''), but getting an error that says my scope is invalid, only it is not the same scope as the one I passed in.

The browser pops up with this error: "AADSTS70011: The provided request must include a 'scope' input parameter. The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope . / : a c d e f g h i l m o offline_access openid p profile r s t u is not valid..." (emphasis added). Notice that the scope it is listing is not the one I provided.

Screenshot of error

Is something in my code altering the scope parameter before passing it into the Interactive Browser Credential?

from azure.identity import InteractiveBrowserCredential
from msgraph import GraphServiceClient
import asyncio 

async def me():

    credential = InteractiveBrowserCredential()

    scopes = ''

    graph_client = GraphServiceClient(credential, scopes)

    me = await

    if me:

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • The browser pops up with this error: "AADSTS70011: The provided request must include a 'scope' input parameter. The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope . / : a c d e f g h i l m o offline_access openid p profile r s t u is not valid..." (emphasis added). Notice that the scope it is listing is not the one I provided.

    I tried in my environment and got the below results:

    Initially, I tried with your code and got the same error.

    Error: enter image description here

    The above error occurs when you are not passing the scope in the correct format. The scope should be list format. scopes = ['']


    from azure.identity import InteractiveBrowserCredential
    from msgraph import GraphServiceClient
    import asyncio 
    async def me():
        credential = InteractiveBrowserCredential()
        scopes = ['']
        graph_client = GraphServiceClient(credential, scopes)
        me = await
        if me:
    if __name__ == "__main__":


    User(additional_data={'@odata.context': '$metadata#users/$entity'}, id='xxxx', odata_type=None, deleted_date_time=None, about_me=None, account_enabled=None, activities=None, age_group=None, agreement_acceptances=None, app_role_assignments=None, assigned_licenses=None, assigned_plans=None, authentication=None, authorization_info=None, birthday=None, business_phones=[], calendar=None, calendar_groups=None, calendar_view=None, calendars=None, chats=None, city=None, company_name=None, consent_provided_for_minor=None, contact_folders=None, contacts=None, country=None, created_date_time=None, created_objects=None, creation_type=None, department=None, device_enrollment_limit=None, device_management_troubleshooting_events=None, direct_reports=None, display_name='xxxx', drive=None, drives=None, employee_hire_date=None, employee_id=None, employee_leave_date_time=None, employee_org_data=None, employee_type=None, events=None, extensions=None, external_user_state=None, external_user_state_change_date_time=None, fax_number=None, followed_sites=None, given_name='xxx', hire_date=None, identities=None, im_addresses=None, inference_classification=None, insights=None, interests=None, is_resource_account=None, job_title=None, joined_teams=None, last_password_change_date_time=None, legal_age_group_classification=None, license_assignment_states=None, license_details=None, mail='xxx', mail_folders=None, mail_nickname=None, mailbox_settings=None, managed_app_registrations=None, managed_devices=None, manager=None, member_of=None, messages=None, mobile_phone=None, my_site=None, oauth2_permission_grants=None, office_location='No WorkSpace', on_premises_distinguished_name=None, on_premises_domain_name=None, on_premises_extension_attributes=None, on_premises_immutable_id=None, on_premises_last_sync_date_time=None, on_premises_provisioning_errors=None, on_premises_sam_account_name=None, on_premises_security_identifier=None, on_premises_sync_enabled=None, on_premises_user_principal_name=None, onenote=None, online_meetings=None, other_mails=None, outlook=None, owned_devices=None, owned_objects=None, password_policies=None, password_profile=None, past_projects=None, people=None, photo=None, photos=None, planner=None, postal_code=None, preferred_data_location=None, preferred_language=None, preferred_name=None, presence=None, print=None, provisioned_plans=None, proxy_addresses=None, registered_devices=None, responsibilities=None, schools=None, scoped_role_member_of=None, security_identifier=None, settings=None, show_in_address_list=None, sign_in_activity=None, sign_in_sessions_valid_from_date_time=None, skills=None, state=None, street_address=None, surname='xxx', teamwork=None, todo=None, transitive_member_of=None, usage_location=None, user_principal_name='xxxx', user_type=None)

    enter image description here