Search code examples

Is there any way to optimize this SQL?

I have the following SQL statement:

FROM   events e,
       functions f,
       items i,
       hosts_groups hg
WHERE  e.source = '0'
       AND e.object = '0'
                       FROM   functions f,
                              items i,
                              hosts_groups hgg
                              LEFT JOIN rights r
                                     ON = hgg.groupid
                                        AND r.groupid IN ( 13, 95, 129, 498,
                                                           853, 1154, 1279, 1429
                       WHERE  e.objectid = f.triggerid
                              AND f.itemid = i.itemid
                              AND i.hostid = hgg.hostid
                       GROUP  BY i.hostid
                       HAVING Max(permission) < 2
                               OR Min(permission) IS NULL
                               OR Min(permission) = 0)
       AND e.objectid = f.triggerid
       AND f.itemid = i.itemid
       AND i.hostid = hg.hostid
       AND hg.groupid IN ( 101, 102, 191, 195,
                           198, 199, 200, 203,
                           206, 320, 324, 402,
                           403, 405, 406, 410,
                           411, 414, 415, 416,
                           417, 420, 421, 422,
                           423, 425, 426, 427,
                           432, 434, 435, 436,
                           437, 438, 441, 503,
                           504, 571, 1230, 1390,
                           1391, 1534, 1840, 1841, 2925 )
       AND e.value = 1
ORDER  BY e.eventid DESC
LIMIT  501;

Execution plan is:

 Limit  (cost=176751661.81..176751670.58 rows=501 width=86) (actual time=940324.730..940347.647 rows=501 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=850499789, temp read=19995 written=21317
   ->  Unique  (cost=176751661.81..176760246.35 rows=490545 width=86) (actual time=940324.726..940347.030 rows=501 loops=1)
         Buffers: shared hit=850499789, temp read=19995 written=21317
         ->  Sort  (cost=176751661.81..176752888.18 rows=490545 width=86) (actual time=940324.723..940345.468 rows=1501 loops=1)
               Sort Key: e.eventid DESC, e.objectid, e.clock, e.ns,, e.severity
               Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 17392kB
               Buffers: shared hit=850499789, temp read=19995 written=21317
               ->  Hash Join  (cost=216403.41..176691546.09 rows=490545 width=86) (actual time=5736.438..940072.099 rows=168010 loops=1)
                     Hash Cond: (e.objectid = f.triggerid)
                     Buffers: shared hit=850499780, temp read=19139 written=19139
                     ->  Index Scan using events_1 on events e  (cost=0.56..176432359.99 rows=1177280 width=86) (actual time=1.918..934059.394 rows=2360086 loops=1)
                           Index Cond: ((source = 0) AND (object = 0))
                           Filter: ((value = 1) AND (NOT (SubPlan 1)))
                           Rows Removed by Filter: 2034965
                           Buffers: shared hit=849942562
                           SubPlan 1
                             ->  HashAggregate  (cost=40.78..41.89 rows=25 width=40) (actual time=0.390..0.390 rows=0 loops=2360086)
                                   Group Key: i_1.hostid
                                   Filter: ((max(r.permission) < 2) OR (min(r.permission) IS NULL) OR (min(r.permission) = 0))
                                   Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 24kB
                                   Rows Removed by Filter: 1
                                   Buffers: shared hit=845651503
                                   ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=1.57..40.04 rows=74 width=12) (actual time=0.019..0.354 rows=43 loops=2360086)
                                         Buffers: shared hit=845651503
                                         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.28..14.16 rows=16 width=16) (actual time=0.013..0.052 rows=12 loops=2360086)
                                               Buffers: shared hit=48616416
                                               ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.86..12.49 rows=3 width=8) (actual time=0.008..0.017 rows=2 loops=2360086)
                                                     Buffers: shared hit=27730393
                                                     ->  Index Scan using functions_1 on functions f_1  (cost=0.43..4.55 rows=3 width=8) (actual time=0.003..0.005 rows=2 loops=2360086)
                                                           Index Cond: (triggerid = e.objectid)
                                                           Buffers: shared hit=9551365
                                                     ->  Index Scan using items_pkey on items i_1  (cost=0.43..2.65 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=4544491)
                                                           Index Cond: (itemid = f_1.itemid)
                                                           Buffers: shared hit=18178425
                                               ->  Index Only Scan using hosts_groups_1 on hosts_groups hgg  (cost=0.42..0.51 rows=5 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.008 rows=6 loops=4544491)
                                                     Index Cond: (hostid = i_1.hostid)
                                                     Heap Fetches: 9037804
                                                     Buffers: shared hit=20886023
                                         ->  Index Scan using rights_2 on rights r  (cost=0.29..1.57 rows=5 width=12) (actual time=0.005..0.019 rows=3 loops=28604753)
                                               Index Cond: (id = hgg.groupid)
                                               Filter: (groupid = ANY ('{13,95,129,498,853,1154,1279,1429}'::bigint[]))
                                               Rows Removed by Filter: 29
                                               Buffers: shared hit=797035087
                     ->  Hash  (cost=211065.22..211065.22 rows=325330 width=8) (actual time=2247.572..2267.285 rows=614462 loops=1)
                           Buckets: 262144  Batches: 4  Memory Usage: 8053kB
                           Buffers: shared hit=557218, temp written=1575
                           ->  Gather  (cost=135136.65..211065.22 rows=325330 width=8) (actual time=771.135..1781.991 rows=614462 loops=1)
                                 Workers Planned: 4
                                 Workers Launched: 4
                                 Buffers: shared hit=557218
                                 ->  Parallel Hash Join  (cost=134136.65..177532.22 rows=81332 width=8) (actual time=736.027..1714.938 rows=122892 loops=5)
                                       Hash Cond: (f.itemid = i.itemid)
                                       Buffers: shared hit=557218
                                       ->  Parallel Seq Scan on functions f  (cost=0.00..40599.51 rows=675652 width=16) (actual time=0.028..401.843 rows=535373 loops=5)
                                             Buffers: shared hit=33843
                                       ->  Parallel Hash  (cost=132475.65..132475.65 rows=132880 width=8) (actual time=731.952..731.986 rows=107386 loops=5)
                                             Buckets: 1048576 (originally 524288)  Batches: 1 (originally 1)  Memory Usage: 33376kB
                                             Buffers: shared hit=523175
                                             ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.97..132475.65 rows=132880 width=8) (actual time=1.923..551.210 rows=107386 loops=5)
                                                   Buffers: shared hit=523175
                                                   ->  Parallel Index Only Scan using hosts_groups_1 on hosts_groups hg  (cost=0.42..3481.74 rows=791 width=8) (actual time=1.742..16.262 rows=464 loops=5)
                                                         Filter: (groupid = ANY ('{101,102,191,195,198,199,200,203,206,320,324,402,403,405,406,410,411,414,415,416,417,420,421,422,423,425,426,427,432,434,435,436,437,438,441,503,504,571,1230,1390,1391,1534,1840,1841,2925}'::bigint[]))
                                                         Rows Removed by Filter: 20657
                                                         Heap Fetches: 29978
                                                         Buffers: shared hit=23995
                                                   ->  Index Scan using items_9 on items i  (cost=0.56..159.99 rows=309 width=16) (actual time=0.023..0.850 rows=232 loops=2318)
                                                         Index Cond: (hostid = hg.hostid)
                                                         Buffers: shared hit=499180
   Buffers: shared hit=196
 Planning Time: 1.830 ms
 Execution Time: 940388.537 ms
(73 rows)

The problem stands out on scanning the index events_1.

The table and the index definitions are:

zabbix=# \d events
                                 Table ""
    Column    |          Type           | Collation | Nullable |        Default
 eventid      | bigint                  |           | not null |
 source       | integer                 |           | not null | 0
 object       | integer                 |           | not null | 0
 objectid     | bigint                  |           | not null | '0'::bigint
 clock        | integer                 |           | not null | 0
 value        | integer                 |           | not null | 0
 acknowledged | integer                 |           | not null | 0
 ns           | integer                 |           | not null | 0
 name         | character varying(2048) |           | not null | ''::character varying
 severity     | integer                 |           | not null | 0
    "events_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (eventid)
    "events_1" btree (source, object, objectid, clock)
    "events_2" btree (source, object, clock)

The statistics are up to date and correct. Also, statistics targets are also correct and enough(cross - checking pg_stats values for columns and getting real counts from table nearly the same).

Yet, even though the statistics are fine the estimation on events_1 is not correct, it is underestimating(I guess due to subplan, not exist part).

How can I convert this not exist to left join with is null? Also, is there any other way to optimize it?

Tried to set enable_indexscan = off;, but it was worse.

Do I simply hit the limits?



  • To convert the NOT EXISTS to a left join, I think you can just remove the f.triggerid test from the WHERE and add f.triggerid as a column into the GROUP BY and the select-list.

    with subquery as (SELECT f.triggerid
       FROM   functions f,
       GROUP  BY f.triggerid, i.hostid
       HAVING Max(permission) < 2
       OR Min(permission) IS NULL
       OR Min(permission) = 0

    And then do a left join to this subquery ON e.objectid = subquery.triggerid and then in outer WHERE test that subquery.triggerid is NULL. This will compute all the aggregates for all of the triggerid in bulk rather than doing each triggerid piecemeal (which might or might not actually be faster, we can't tell just from the info shown)

    The query after @jjanes recommendation:

    with ftab as (
        functions f, 
        items i, 
        hosts_groups hgg 
        LEFT JOIN rights r ON = hgg.groupid 
        AND r.groupid IN (
          13, 95, 129, 498, 853, 1154, 1279, 1429
      WHERE f.itemid = i.itemid 
        AND i.hostid = hgg.hostid 
      GROUP BY 
        Max(permission) < 2 
        OR Min(permission) IS NULL 
        OR Min(permission) = 0
      DISTINCT e.eventid, 
      events e 
      join functions f on e.objectid = f.triggerid 
      join items i on f.itemid = i.itemid 
      join hosts_groups hg on i.hostid = hg.hostid 
      left outer join ftab on e.objectid = ftab.triggerid 
      ftab.triggerid is NULL 
      and e.value = 1 
      and e.source = '0' 
      AND e.object = '0' 
      AND hg.groupid IN (
        101, 102, 191, 195, 198, 199, 200, 203, 
        206, 320, 324, 402, 403, 405, 406, 410, 
        411, 414, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421, 422, 
        423, 425, 426, 427, 432, 434, 435, 436, 
        437, 438, 441, 503, 504, 571, 1230, 1390, 
        1391, 1534, 1840, 1841, 2925
      e.eventid DESC 