My goal is to display Zip Codes or Postal Codes using Mapbox's iOS SDK for USA only postal codes;
I am currently able to display the boundaries for Zip Codes and the international postal/zip code, for example "USP227518" when I actually want to display "27518"
I've tried using mapboxMap.queryRenderedFeatures()
and was able to successfully display a modified string value as desired, however this doesn't solve my problem because I need to display the long zipcode with the prefix 'USP2' in order for it to find the Feature and display a map annotation without the prefix. This causes a visual overlap
I also tried 'mapboxMap.querySourceFeatures()' and was unable to retrieve any data at all from any of my sources
Here is the code I use to display the zip codes as given by MapBox
try MapConstants.symbolLayerIdentifier, type: SymbolLayer.self) { layer in
layer.textField = .expression(Expression(.number) {
Exp(.get) { "id" }
zipCodes // Array of strings all with 'USP2' prefix
Exp(.get) { "id" }
Is there some way to drop the prefixes or to query the source features for zip code points from the source points_postal_2
I also have no idea where Exp(.get) { "id" }
comes from. My best guess is it comes from here . unit_code
from that doc didn't work for me in place of "id" even when I removed the 'USP2' prefix from the zipCodes string array values
How do I display the zip codes on a map?
The undocumented MapBox iOS SDK is a tricky library.
Slice is what I needed, and how does one use it, great question, it's not documented nor do any examples seem to exist!
try MyMapLayerName, type: SymbolLayer.self) { layer in
layer.textField = .expression(Expression(.match) {
Exp(.get) { "id" }
Exp(.slice) { // Drop first 4 characters, the prefix
Exp(.get) { "id" }
"" //not available