I have to specify a subnet in order to allow Google's Datastream to connect with a source database but every single subnet I specify gives me the error:
Error: Error creating PrivateConnection: googleapi: Error 400: The IP range specified (10.<number>.<number>.0/29) overlaps with a reserved IP range. Provide a different IP range.
com.google.apps.framework.request.StatusException: <eye3 title='INVALID_ARGUMENT'/> generic::INVALID_ARGUMENT: The IP range specified (10.<number>.<number>.0/29) overlaps with a reserved IP range. Provide a different IP range.
It would be helpful to find out all the reserved ip ranges so I can avoid them but I don't think that is even possible?
The Google Cloud Console GUI shows networking console which shows details on IP address allocation to each subnet.
The CLI command will show you details on networking documentation:
gcloud compute networks subnets list
See this answer for more details on reserved IP addresses that also might affect you.