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git clone works locally but not from gitlab runner

I have a weird behavior since this morning on my gitlab CI/CD. The git clone fails on the authentication step. The error is as follow

remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2FA enabled and you must use a personal access token instead of a password. See
fatal: Authentication failed for ''

Here is the yaml file

  GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY: "true""
  TOKEN_NAME: certificate
  TOKEN_VALUE: "xxx"
image: alpine:latest

    - apk add git curl openssl openjdk11 bash ca-certificates
    - git clone https://$TOKEN_NAME:$

So I am using a token defined in the repo I want to clone and when running the same command from my local machine, it works smoothly.

What can I check next or what can I do ?


edit: other failing tests

  • creation of a PAT on my user (clone works from my machine but not from the Gitlab CICD pipeline)
  • creation of a deploy token (clone works from my machine but not from the Gitlab CICD pipeline)


  • There is an issue with curl on the latest version of alpine right now. Try using Alpine version 3.11.13

    image: alpine:3.11.13