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Remove TraceParent header from HttpClient requests

When I send any requests with HttpClient, it automatically attaches the header TraceParent to the request headers. I tried clearing all the default request headers, but that didn't make a difference.


  • Header traceparent or Request-Id specified by DiagnosticsHandler:

    How to disable this behavior is described here:

    ASP.NET Core creates an Activity that represents the request by default. This is what tells HttpClient to send an outgoing request id header. You can disable it in a couple of ways:

    • By setting the current activity to null before making the request (Activity.Current = null)
    • By setting the environment variable DOTNET_SYSTEM_NET_HTTP_ENABLEACTIVITYPROPAGATION to "false" or "0".
    • By the AppContext switch System.Net.Http.EnableActivityPropagation to false