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MarkLogic to Java & Back Solution

I need to query XML out of a MarkLogic server and marshal it into Java objects. What is a good way to go about this? Specifically:

  1. Does using MarkLogic have any impact on the XML technology stack? (i.e. is there something about MarkLogic that leads to a different approach to searching for, reading and writing XML snippets?)
  2. Should I process the XML myself using one of the XML APIs or is there a simpler way?
  3. Is it worth using JAXB for this?

Someone asked a good question of why I am using Java. I am using Java/Java EE because I am strongest in that language. This is a one man project and I don't want to get stuck anywhere. The project is to develop web service APIs and data processing and transformation (CSV to XML) functionality. Java/Java EE can do this well and do it elegantly.


  • Note: I'm the EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) lead, and a member of the JAXB 2 (JSR-222) expert group.

    Does using MarkLogic have any impact on the XML technology stack? (i.e. is there something about MarkLogic that leads to a different approach to searching for, reading and writing XML snippets?)

    Potentially. Some object-to-XML libraries support a larger variety of documents than other ones do. MOXy leverages XPath based mappings that allows it to handle a wider variety of documents. Below are some examples:

    Should I process the XML myself using one of the XML APIs or is there a simpler way?

    Using a framework is generally easier. Java SE offers may standard libraries for processing XML: JAXB (javax.xml.bind), XPath (javax.xml.xpath), DOM, SAX, StAX. Since these standards there are also other implementations (i.e. MOXy and Apache JaxMe implement JAXB).

    Is it worth using JAXB for this?
