I am trying to run u-boot to boot Linux kernel on qemu vexpress-a15. The U-Boot and Linux kernel are configured to run on TI OMAP5, which has ARM Cortex A-15. So I have done some modification (uart, spi,i2c,..) and already booted the linux kernel from u-boot. The problem is that qemu didn't run as I expected. It doesn't show the usual first line "Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0" (loglevel command line is already set to 8). Does the revision of arm cpu matter? I figured out that qemu created Cortex-A15 rev r4p0 with different to the cpu from my board Cortex-A15 rev r2p2.
[First line of linux kernel log message] (https://i.sstatic.net/9cyJ2.png)
[End line of linux kernel log message] (https://i.sstatic.net/sgVmq.png)
[qemu gdb backtrace] (https://i.sstatic.net/v13vP.png)
I would really appreciate any thought or advice.
problem solved. Appending kernel boot command line with "log_buf_len=1M", no more messages dropped.