I have a function that can take a variable number of arguments. I want another function to call that function with one argument repeated n times. The function with variable arguments is scipy.linalg.block_diag, which creates a block diagonal matrix with its inputs along the diagonal. The function calling block_diag has a matrix and the number of times the matrix should be repeated along the diagonal as arguments. Here is what I have so far:
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
mat = [[0.22463041, 0.97444404, 0.], [0.97444404, -0.22463041, 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.]]
NDim = 7
def block_diagonal_matrix(matrix, NDimen):
This function generates a block diagonal matrix by repeating the input
matrix along the diagonal.
matrix: The input matrix.
NDimen: The number of times the matrix should be repeated along the
BlockDiagMat: The resulting block diagonal matrix obtained by
repeating the input matrix along the diagonal.
BlockDiagMat = block_diag(matrix, matrix, matrix, matrix, matrix, matrix, matrix)
return BlockDiagMat
block_diagonal_matrix(mat, NDim)
By manually repeating matrix 7 (NDim) times when calling block_diag, I obtain the correct block diagonal matrix. However, I would like a way to have the block_diagonal_matrix function call matrix the appropriate number of times.
I tried calling block_diag like this within the function:
BlockDiagMat = block_diag(matrix*NDimen)
However, the resulting block diagonal matrix did not have the correct inner dimensions (expecting len(BlockDiagMat [0]) to be 21, got 3).
I also tried to make the matrix a list first:
BlockDiagMat = block_diag([matrix]*NDimen)
But scipy.linalg.block_diag did not support this: ValueError: arguments in the following positions have dimension greater than 2: [0]
I then tried to flatten with numpy.ndarray.flatten, but the resulting matrix did not have the correct dimensions again.
This all boils down to calling the matrix n times in scipy.linalg.block_diag using block_diagonal_matrix.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Try this:
BlockDiagMat = block_diag(*[matrix]*NDimen)
In general to repeat an argument n times into a function:
First you create a list containing the argument [arg]
Then you multiply it to have the argument the correct number of times [arg]*n
Then you unpack this list into the function so that the arguments are actually given to the function as multiple arguments, rather than a single list *[arg]*n