I am trying to create a calendar view in Odoo, but I didn't get exactly what I want. So, for that, I have tried this code.
<record id="view_planfication_rotation_calendar" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">planification.rotation.calendar</field>
<field name="model">plannification.rotation</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<calendar string="Planification" date_start="date_sortie" color="states">
<field name="states" invisible="1" filters="1"/>
<field name="client" invisible="1"/>
i was expecting to see in my calendar view the both fields : states and client but it returns the states only.
can you please help me ?!
The fields that you put as part of the calendar view are fields shown on the Popup Calendar Card when you click on the Calendar Event without open the full form view. If you put it as invisible you will get those fields invisible in the Calendar Card