I am implementing an audio based application. In that I am using AVPlayer to play the list of MPMedia items selected from iPod Library. In my app I need to test 1 case, that is I need to compare the currently playing (from AVPlayer) with the list of MPMedia Items. How can I do this?
For easy understanding the following is I need:
if([MPmedia Item]== [AVPlayer CurrentItem])
printf("Do some action");
MPMediaItem *song;
NSURL *songURL = [song valueForProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL];
AVURLAsset *asset1 = (AVURLAsset *)[_avPlayer.currentItem asset]; //currentItem is AVAsset type so incompitable pointer types ... notification will occur, however it does contain URL (see with NSLog)
AVURLAsset *asset2 = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL: songURL options: nil];
if ([asset1.URL isEqual: asset2.URL]) {
printf("Do some action");