when i run a pipeline in Azure DevOps, I get hundreds of warnings of the kind :
##[warning][database name]\[schema]\Stored Procedures\load_[table123].sql(1,1): Warning SQL71558: The object reference [schema].[table123].[columnname] differs only by case from the object definition [schema].[table123].[ColumnName].
Apparently, during writing a bunch of definitions for view, stored procedures etc, I have used uncapitalised versions of column names. Functionally, everything works, it's just that I have no reference of how many acually important warnings there are, because I have hundreds of these capitalisation warnings. Is there a quick way to either
or 2. Disable capitalisation checks during a Build in my Azure Pipeline
other places i have seen people ask this question:
stuff i tried, but didn't work (well enough):
After I posted, I found a solution:
This is an issue you can solve by modifying your project file. In there you can add an extra line that disables specific checks.
You can add it manually to your project file like the user in this post
or I used MS Visual Studio by navigating to Project -> [Projectname] Properties -> Build -> Suppress Transact-SQL warnings. In that field I added "71558" and Ctrl+S saves the edit to the project file. Then just commit, deploy etc and your build will not execute the capitalisation check 71558