Hi I'm with a simple question but didn't find why it's happenig,
I want to make a tar only with the files that downloaded yesterday. I'm using find to take all the file names, but when I try to use tar with find to make a tar, it make a file tar with all the items in the directory. Let me give an exemple:
When I run a
find -mtime 0
it gives me some files that I downloaded yesterday
./-@ut c4d 22.torrent
But when i use find -mtime 0 | xargs tar -zcvf teste.tar.gz -T -
It makes the tar with all the files
./OC 2290.pdf
What I'm doing wrong?
I tried different ways to get files by date like `
find -newermt 2023-06-30 ! -newermt 2023-07-01 | xargs tar -cvzf teste.tar.gz
find /home/user/Downloads/ -type f -newermt 2023-06-29 ! -newermt 2023-06-30 | tar -czvf teste.tar.gz`
but neither ways worked.
No need for xargs
when tar
already reads the filenames from stdin. This should work to create a tarball with your downloads from yesterday:
find . -type f -mtime 1 | tar czvf test.tar.gz -T -
If you still experience issues it's most likely an incorrect find result. What happens if you try the same but with a filename wildcard:
find . -name '*.docx' | tar czvf alldocs.tar.gz -T -
You can also do this in two steps where you can verify your list:
find . -mtime 1 > /tmp/list.txt
tar czvf test.tar.gz -T /tmp/list.txt
If there is anything in your tarball that wasn't in /tmp/list.txt
then use the contents of the list as arguments:
cat /tmp/list.txt|xargs tar czvf test.tar.gz