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How do I access Resources.resw strings in a Winui3 TemplateStudio app

The WinUI for Desktop Template Studio template contains a file Resources.resw file in the project folder Strings/en-us. The ShellPage has XAML Uid properties which map to keys in this file for navigation page titles. I am trying to store other localized strings in this file and access them in code.

I am using the following code to extract the string when a particular page is loaded:

public sealed partial class TransactionDetailPage : Page
    public TransactionDetailPage()

        Loaded += (s, e) =>
            var rl = Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView();
            App.CurrentPageTitle = rl.GetString("TransactionDetailPage.Title");

However, I am getting the following runtime error and despite much googling have been unable to find a solution.

Resource Contexts may not be created on threads that do not have a CoreWindow. (0x80073B27)

I would appreciate any help solving this problem.


  • The Template Studio should create this class:


    using Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources;
    namespace TemplateStudioWinUI3LocalizerSampleApp.Helpers;
    public static class ResourceExtensions
        private static readonly ResourceLoader _resourceLoader = new();
        public static string GetLocalized(this string resourceKey) => _resourceLoader.GetString(resourceKey);

    so you should be able to:

    Loaded += (s, e) =>
        App.CurrentPageTitle = "TransactionDetailPage.Title".GetLocalized();