I have a simple integration flow and I'm using SourcePollingChannelAdapter
for integration testing.
This is the flow:
public MessageSource<LatestBook> booksSource() {
return () -> MessageBuilder.withPayload(booksService.getBook()).build();
public IntegrationFlow syncBooks(Trigger trigger) {
return IntegrationFlow
.from(booksSource(), c -> c.poller(Pollers.trigger(trigger))
.handle(new BooksHandler(booksRepository))
public MessageChannel syncBooksMessageChannel(){
return Kafka.channel(kafkaTemplate, containerFactory, kafkaTemplate.getDefaultTopic())
... // Other flows
And this is the test environment:
protected SourcePollingChannelAdapter booksPollingSource;
private SubscribableChannel syncBooksMessageChannel;
private BooksHandler booksHandler;
public void testBooks() {
// booksPollingSource.addHandler(booksHandler); need something like this
I can indicate the OutputChannel
and AutoStartup
of the booksPollingSource
simply, but how I can tell booksPollingSource
to use BooksHandler
before writing to the syncBooksMessageChannel
Currently, the BooksHandler
is not triggered, and I can see un-handled messages in the kafka channel.
You probably need to looks into a MockIntegration
framework: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/testing.html#testing-mocks.
The point is that SourcePollingChannelAdapter
produces messages from its source to the provided channel. The handler is a subscriber to that channel on the other side. Both of them don't know about each other. That's the whole point of Messaging - to have your solution as loosely coupled as possible.
I'm not sure what is your logic, but for now you are fully bypassing the flow you show with that setOutputChannel(syncBooksMessageChannel)
. Meaning that indeed a message produced from source goes to the Kafka topic. If you explain a bit more your requirements, we can come up with a testing ideas for you.