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pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: get_transform_object: could not find match for var for={(.*?)};

While downloading a video using the PyTube library using this code:

yt.streams.get_highest_resolution().download("PATH", f"PATH.mp4")

I get an error:

raise RegexMatchError(caller="get_transform_object", pattern=pattern)
pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: get_transform_object: could not find match for var for={(.*?)};

I've seen a lot of fixes on Stack Overflow and in the Git repository of PyTube, but they seem to go into different parts of I would like to know how I could alternate get_transform_object class in to match the RegEx check.


  • Here is a quick fix in the meantime as the library makes an update.

    -> In file .venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pytube/ I am using python 3.10 and my virtual environment is called .venv You just have to find the library pytube and go to the file and edit its source code for now.

    -> Find the method get_transform_object and replace it as below

    def get_transform_object(js: str, var: str) -> List[str]:
        pattern = r"var %s={(.*?)};" % re.escape(var)
        logger.debug("getting transform object")
        regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.DOTALL)
        transform_match =
        if not transform_match:
            # i commented out the line raising the error
            # raise RegexMatchError(caller="get_transform_object", pattern=pattern)
            return []  # Return an empty list if no match is found
        return"\n", " ").split(", ")