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Adding Javascript to Header in React-Admin App

I'd like to add a dynamic javascript script to every page's <head> in a react-admin app, but not sure the best way/place to do this. I've seen a lot with React-Helmet, but feel like this should be simpler than having to import something else.

I can accomplish 95% of what I'm looking to do by adding it to an HTML template that I use, but I need to inject a user id in it so needs to be on the javascript side. No code included, but looking for general guidance.


  • In your upmost react-admin file, generally just before the <Admin/> component, you can have a useEffect to add the script to head.


    const App = () => {
      // Hooks are called before the return statement on mount on unmount.
      useEffect(() => {
        const script = document.createElement('script')
        // You create your script here, usually by script.src = `https://${process.env.YOUR_URL_ID}`
        // To delete the script on unmount
        return () => {
      }, [])
      return (
        <Admin>All of the Stuff</Admin>
    export default App