Consider the following:
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
class A(): pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
T = TypeVar("T", bound=A)
class Container(Generic[T]):
def __init__(x: T):
b: Container[B] = Container(B())
c: Container[C] = Container(C())
How do I type-hint a function foo
that will accept any list of tuples of identically typed containers:
(b, b),
(c, c)
but refuse this (heterogeneous tuple):
(c, b), # tuples elements are not the same type
(c, c)
I tried this:
ListOfSameContainerTuples = list[tuple[Container[T], Container[T]]]
def foo(containers: ListOfSameContainerTuples[T]):
but it doesn't work:
(b, b),
(c, c)
# error: Argument 1 to "foo" has incompatible type "list[tuple[object, object]]";
# expected "list[tuple[Container[<nothing>], Container[<nothing>]]]" [arg-type]
(c, b),
(c, c)
# error: List item 0 has incompatible type "tuple[Container[C], Container[B]]"; expected "tuple[Container[C], Container[C]]" [list-item]
The second error on mypy looks good, but I don't understand the first one:
and c
?I tried solutions from Tuple with multiple numbers of arbitrary but equal type, to no avail.
As a partial solution*, you can make the TypeVar T
T = TypeVar("T", bound=A, covariant=True)
foo([(b, b), (c, c)])
passes type checking with mypy --strict
foo([(c, b), (c, c)])
fails with the message
error: Cannot infer type argument 1 of "foo"
*This works since when T
is covariant, the type tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]
is considered to be a supertype of both tuple[Container[B], Container[B]]
and tuple[Container[C], Container[C]]
. Prior to making T
covariant, you type checker infered the expression
[(b, b), (c, c)]
as having type tuple[object, object]
, because object
was the only supertype common to both tuple[Container[B], Container[B]]
and tuple[Container[C], Container[C]]
. After making T
covariant, that expression can instead be inferred as having type tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]
, which can bind with the parameter signature of foo
by taking T=A
The reason the mixed type case fails is a little more complicated, and still has some holes for mistakes. After making T
covariant, your type checker infers the expression
(c, b), (c, c)
as having type
list[tuple[Container[C], Container[A]]]
This can't bind with the first parameter of foo
, because even though Container[A]
is a supertype of Container[C]
, tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]
is not tuple[Container[C], Container[A]]
. You're type checker can't simply take T=A
and call it a day as before.
The only way that call to foo
passes type checking is if your type checker infers the type of the argument to be a list of homogeneous tuples, be it tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]
or something more specific like tuple[Container[B], Container[B]]
or tuple[Container[C], Container[C]]
Unfortunately, this approach relies your type checker picking a specific and heterogeneous-tuple type in order for the mixed arguments case to fail type checking. This could be problem, since if you construct a sufficiently varied argument list, it is possible that your type checker will not infer a specific heterogeneous-tuple type and instead will find tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]
to be the most specific supertype.
For example, the expression
[(c, b), (b, c)]
will be inferred as having type
list[tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]]
so this argument would pass type checking if passed to foo
TL;DR: when T = TypeVar("T", bound=A)
, the code
reveal_type([(b, b), (b, b)])
reveal_type([(b, b), (c, c)])
reveal_type([(c, b), (c, c)])
reveal_type([(c, b), (b, c)])
will produce the mypy
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[Container[B], tmp.Container[tmp.B]]]"
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[builtins.object, builtins.object]]"
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[Container[C], builtins.object]]"
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[builtins.object, builtins.object]]"
But when TypeVar("T", bound=A, covariant=True)
, it will produce the mypy
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[Container[B], Container[B]]]"
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]]"
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[Container[C], Container[A]]]"
Revealed type is "builtins.list[Tuple[Container[A], Container[A]]]"
Type checking will pass whenever the argument to foo
is inferred to have a type of the form list[tuple[Container[T], Container[T]]]
for a single substituted type T
. Making T
covariant makes that True
for the example in the question (line #2, good!), but also makes it true for the maximally mixed case (line #4, bad!).