Search code examples

How to do OrderBy on top of Queryable from other given list of Guids

I have search service that will give me the list of Guids of my entity with the correct order. For example I search service gave me this result:

// Assuming you have a list of Guids named 'guidList'
List<Guid> guidList = new List<Guid>

Now, I need to do a query to the database to get those entities:

using (var context = new YourDbContext())
    var students = context.Students
        .Where(e => guidList.Contains(e.Guid));

I want to get my entities in the same order as my guidList. Doing AsEnumerable will not work here because I will add another query at the end and it may affect to performance


  • This is generic function which dynamically generates Expression Tree in the following manner:

    query.OrderByDescending(e =>
          e.SomeProp == itemList[0] ? 0
        : e.SomeProp == itemList[1] ? 1
        : e.SomeProp == itemList[2] ? 2
        ... itemList.Count);

    Usage in your case is simple:

        .Where(e => guidList.Contains(e.Guid))
        .OrderByItems(e => e.Guid, guidList);

    And implemntation:

    public static class QueryableExtensions
        public static IQueryable<T> OrderByItems<T, TItem>(this IQueryable<T> query, Expression<Func<T, TItem>> prop, IEnumerable<TItem> items)
            var conditions = items
                .Select(item => Expression.Equal(prop.Body, Expression.Constant(item, typeof(TItem))))
            // nothing to sort
            if (conditions.Count == 0)
                return query;
            Expression orderExpr = Expression.Constant(conditions.Count);
            for (var i = conditions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var condition = conditions[i];
                orderExpr = Expression.Condition(condition, Expression.Constant(i), orderExpr);
            var entityParam = prop.Parameters[0];
            var orderLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(orderExpr, entityParam);
            return query.OrderByDescending(orderLambda);