I am trying to setup a playwright project to run high-contrast tests for Firefox. I have a working setup for chromium in high-contrast using the following in my playwright config:
name: 'chromium-highContrast',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
colorScheme: 'dark',
contextOptions: { forcedColors: 'active' },
Now if I try the same setup for my Firefox tests it does not work. So for Firefox I would setup the project like this:
name: 'firefox-highContrast',
use: {
browserName: 'firefox',
colorScheme: 'dark',
contextOptions: { forcedColors: 'active' },
The screenshot tests still show Firefox normally while in chromium they show as high-contrast. Same for debugging. I use Fedora 38 and playwright version 1.35.0 .
Do I need a different setup for Firefox or can I accomplish this in another way?
Edit: Added a Screenshot of the expected colors
I managed to set this up using the following settings.
firefoxUserPrefs: {
'browser.display.document_color_use': 2,
'browser.display.use_system_colors': false,
'ui.use_standins_for_native_colors': false,
'ui.highlight': '#00FFFF',
'ui.highlighttext': '#000000',
'ui.graytext': '#00FF00',
'ui.buttonface': '#000000',
'browser.anchor_color': '#FFFF00',
'browser.display.background_color': '#000000',
'browser.display.foreground_color': '#FFFFFF',
'browser.visited_color': '#FFFF00',
'browser.active_color': '#FFFF00',
The playwright browser sets some additional settings which differ from my local firefox version. My result looks like this which is still a little bit off but close enough for my purposes:
I use this Website to display the current browser config