Is there a method that allows to download the email attachment content bytes using the SDK?
Basically, it should just append /$value the request URL according to , but I don't see such feature in SDK
The closest I could get is
await graphClient.Users[userId].Messages[messageId].Attachments[attachmentId].GetAsync()
I would expect Attachments[attachmentId].Content.GetAsync()
or something
Microsoft.Graph 5.13.0
It's still not supported by SDK v5 to download message's attachment. The workaround can be
var requestInfo = graphClient.Users["{user_id}"]
requestInfo.UrlTemplate = requestInfo.UrlTemplate
.Insert(requestInfo.UrlTemplate.LastIndexOf('{'), "/$value");
var attachmentStream = await graphClient.RequestAdapter.SendPrimitiveAsync<Stream>(requestInfo);