I'm writing a application where the user can write json-code and store that json code with an Id and a Collection. In other words, they specify an Id, a Collection (string; [a-zA-Z0-9]) and a Data (json, can be anything that is valid json).
Up til now I've been using RavenDb for this, cause I thought a document-database would be perfect, but I've had some problems with querying.
One of the objects that needs to be stored and queried is the following:
"network": "some_network",
"names": ["name1","name2"],
"data": {"values":[],"keys":[]}
This object should be stored with some Id that is either specified, or auto-generated (if null
is given), and a Collection (must always be specified), and then I need to be able to query it based on Collection, network and a single name.
For instance, I have the code query('users', '{"network":"some_network","names":"name1"}')
, and I need that code to return this object (and any other object that matches it).
Also, I'm ok with changing database, but the database needs to be able to run in-process (self-hosted), and to be able to run without admin-rights without installation (in other words, it can't bind to hostname/ip like wcf does).
How can I achieve something like this?
I found the answer to this:
public string Query(string dynIndexName, string query)
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var q = new IndexQuery();
q.Query = query;
var result = session.Advanced.DatabaseCommands.Query("dynamic/" + dynIndexName, q, new string[0]);
return "[" + String.Join(",", result.Results.Select(r => r.ToString())) + "]";
Before calling the Query-method I convert the json-query-object into a Lucene-query that looks like this: (network:"some_network" AND names:"name1")
, and use that as a query-parameter to the database. The whole class for storing and retrieving can be found here: https://github.com/Alxandr/RunJS/blob/master/src/AddIns/Storage/StorageMbro.cs