We are trying to retrieve the Room colors (based on Views with Revit Color Scheme) from Sheets viewed in the 2D Viewer:
Color Scheme in Revit
For this purpose I retrieve all the rooms and get their materials:
const tree = model.getInstanceTree();
const frags = model.getFragmentList();
const getRoomsId = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
obj.model.search('Rooms', function (dbIds) {
dbIds.some(dbId => {
if (tree.getNodeName(dbId) === 'Rooms') {
return true
getRoomsId.then(function (roomsId) {
function (childId) {
tree.enumNodeFragments(childId, function (fragid) {
const material = frags.getMaterial(fragid);
console.log('Room: ', childId, ' / ', tree.getNodeName(childId), ' Fragment: ', fragid, ' Material: ', material.uuid)
Unfortunately they all seem to have the same material as shown in the log below, so I have no idea where the colors are coming from:
doesn't retrieve anything so I wonder if somehow it is using an overlay to display the colors.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Instead of using Material the 2D Viewer uses Vertex colors.
const mesh = frags.getVizmesh(fragId);
const vbr = new Autodesk.Viewing.Private.VertexBufferReader(mesh.geometry, viewer.impl.use2dInstancing);
var vertexCount = vbr.vcount;
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
// Each vertex knows its related dbId
var dbId = vbr.getDbIdAt(i);
// sign extend the upper byte to get back negative numbers (since per-vertex ids are clamped from 32 bit to 24 bit)
dbId = dbId << 8 >> 8;
var color = vbr.getColorAt(i)
color = color >>> 0 // Signed to Unsigned 32
color &= 0x00FFFFFF // Getting rid of opacity
Note: The color is stored as GBR instead of RGB