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I want to query into Mongodb using python

I want to find and update specific fields from mongodb using python(pymongo) Below is the exact structure of db

id: 2
Name: "CHK-MG-3"
NumberOfWorkbenches: 170
AllocatedWorkbenches: 0
Benchbetails: Array (17)
            ~ 0: Object
              seatRowLabel: "A"
              IsRowspace: false
              ~ seats: Array (13)
                       0: object
                       key: "A_1"
                       status: "available"
                       BenchName: ""
                       IsAllocated: True
                       IsRequested: false
                       seatNo: ""
                       seatLabel: "" 
                       dir: ""
                       labelNo: "x12"
                       team: ""
                       AllocationData: Array (1)
                                       Duration:"3 days"

First i want to find Name:"CHk-MG-3",then under the benchdetails, and inside seats(array) check for labelNo:x12 and update isallocatedto: false and AllocationData to None.


  • I think you can try this query using arrayFilters twice because the nested array:

    With this query you are telling mongo:

    • Do the update only into objects where Name is CHK-MG-3or has a property inside Benchbetails.seats.labelNo with value x12. Using this you can avoid to filter the entire collection into arrayFilters stage.
    • Then update values where is defined just below.
    • bench is the object in the Benchbetails array where seats.labelNo is x12 and seat is the object into seats array where labelNo is x12.

    So you are updating only the desired value into nested array setting IsAllocated as False and AllocationData as None.

            "Name": "CHK-MG-3",
            "Benchbetails.seats.labelNo": "x12"
            "$set": {
                "Benchbetails.$[bench].seats.$[seat].IsAllocated": False,
                "Benchbetails.$[bench].seats.$[seat].AllocationData": None
            {"bench.seats.labelNo": "x12"},
            {"seat.labelNo": "x12"}

    Example here