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TYPO3 12: Link to page inside folder doesn't work

I'm working on a metanavigation that should link to a number of pages inside a folder. Currently my page tree looks something like this:

  • Home

  • Meta Navigation (Folder)

    • Search

    • Login

However, when trying to link to one of the pages inside the folder using following code;

< pageUid="{}">{}</>

the link isn't generated.

I've tried replacing {"}" with the page id, which also didn't render any link in the frontend. However, when I replaced the variable with the page id of "Home", which isn't inside a folder, the link got rendered in the frontend.

I'm guessing that I'm missing some typoscript config, that allows me to link to pages inside of folders, but I can't seem to find anything.


  • As Jan already correctly mentioned in the comments you need to place the folder with your meta navigation pages inside your root-page.

    • Home
      • Meta Navigation (Folder)
        • Search
        • Login

    Else the routing to your pages won't work.