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swagger with express nodejs APIs giving 404 error

I have configured swagger for my existing application which is implemented using express nodeJS.

server.js placed in the root folder and API's(*.js files) inside some other directories like

  • modules/data/first.js
  • modules/second.js
  • modules/config/getConfig.js

In the server.js file I declared apis as below

apis: ["./modules/data/first.js", "./modules/second.js", "./modules/config/getConfig.js"]

I added @swagger in all .js files and given

  • /first for the first.js file
  • /second for the second.js file
  • /third for the third.js file

When I open swagger-UI page, it is showing 3 APIs but when I click on anyone API then it is giving 404 response


  • Fixed the issue, problem is due to misconfiguration of app.use.

    Initially there is no JWT token verification, so it worked but later JWT verification was introduced, then I faced 401 error ({"msg": "unauthorized"}) for swagger-UI page itself, I made some changes in the swagger options. Then UI page got opened with all endpoints, but when I click on any endpoints they started giving 404 error.

    When I changed app.use to swagger first and then for my application endpoints it started working.