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How to create sequence of integers in R?

I've got dataframe like so:

id    year
001   1988
001   1988
001   1988
001   1988
001   1988
002   1972
002   1972
002   1972
002   1972

For each id, I would like to convert the variable year into a sequence beginning from the first observation, increasing by one in each consecutive row. The desired output:

id    year
001   1988
001   1989
001   1990
001   1991
001   1992
002   1972
002   1973
002   1974
002   1975

How do I do this? A tidyverse solution would be preferred. Thanks.

My data:

df <- data.frame(id = c("001", "001", "001", "001", "001", "002", "002", "002", "002"),
                 year = c(1988, 1988, 1988, 1988, 1988, 1972, 1972, 1972, 1972))


  • With seq:

    df %>% 
      mutate(year = seq(first(year), length.out = n()), .by = id)
    #   id year
    # 1  1 1988
    # 2  1 1989
    # 3  1 1990
    # 4  1 1991
    # 5  1 1992
    # 6  2 1972
    # 7  2 1973
    # 8  2 1974
    # 9  2 1975