When a return statement occurs within a lambda expression, it simply causes a return from the lambda. It does not cause an enclosing method to return.
So, for switch expressions why the keyword yield
had introduced while return
keyword could have been used instead? The first return for returning from method and the inside one for return from switch statement.
class TestClass {
public int testMethod() {
// ...
int a = switch (allOptions) {
case "case1" -> {
System.out.println("case 1");
return 1;
default -> {
return -1;
return a;
Consider this example for lambda expressions:
class TestClass {
interface FunctionalInterface {
int test(int n);
public int testMethod() {
FunctionalInterface f = (n) -> {
return n * 2;
return f.test(10);
Why return keyword is confusing in first example and not confusing in the second one?
Originally, when switch expressions were introduced in JEP 325, it was proposed that break
should be used to yield a value.
int j = switch (day) { case MONDAY -> 0; case TUESDAY -> 1; default -> { int k = day.toString().length(); int result = f(k); break result; } };
It was changed to yield
in JEP 354. It was mentioned that:
The two statements,
(with or without a label) andyield
, facilitate easy disambiguation between switch statements and switch expressions: a switch statement but not a switch expression can be the target of abreak
statement; and a switch expression but not a switch statement can be the target of ayield
Which could be seen as a reason for the change. Using return
for this certainly would not "facilitate easy disambiguation between switch statements and switch expressions", since you can also return
in switch statements.
Then, in JEP 361, it was further explained that overloading break
was "confusing".
One aspect of JEP 325 was the overloading of the
statement to return a result value from a switch expression. Feedback on JDK 12 suggested that this use ofbreak
was confusing. In response to the feedback, JEP 354 was created as an evolution of JEP 325.
I would imagine overloading return
would also be "confusing".
Being able to return from a lambda expression isn't exactly "overloading" return
in the same sense. The bodies of lambda expressions represent function bodies. It would make sense for return
to return from functions. The body of a switch expression, isn't a function.