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x64 NASM Assembly 64bit conditional jump doesn't work

Environment: Ubuntu22.04@WSL on Windows 11, NASM v2.15.05, x64, Intel CPU

When I was debugging my assembly program, I found something strange during my debug. The program was executing a loop. The following code compares between _i(0x404054) variable that is stored in BSS section and the variable number(0x40404c). If _i is less or equal than number, jle _loop should be executed.


   0x4011d2 <_primeTrue+10>    mov    rsi, qword ptr [_i]           <0x404054>
   0x4011da <_primeTrue+18>    call   printf@plt                      <printf@plt>

   0x4011df <_primeTrue+23>    jmp    _primeEnd                      <_primeEnd>
   0x4011e2 <_primeEnd>        add    qword ptr [_i], 1             <0x404054>
   0x4011eb <_primeEnd+9>      cmp    qword ptr [0x404054], 0x40404c
 ► 0x4011f7 <_primeEnd+21>   ✔ jle    _loop                      <_loop>

At the exact moment when <_primeEnd+21> was running, _i and number's value were the same as following:

gdb-peda$ x/gx 0x404054
0x404054:       0x0000000000000004
gdb-peda$ x/gx 0x40404c
0x40404c:       0x0000000000000003

So it means _i values(0x4) is bigger than number value(0x3), so jle _loop shouldn't be executed. However, as you can see on the image below, the program runs jle _loop command even though the condition doesn't seem to be correct. enter image description here

How is this possible, even though I just obviously confirmed those values Can you let me know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

p.s) Context: The full code I'm writing is below. It's just a program that prints all prime numbers until the user input's value. (If I input 100, the program should print every prime number less or equal to 100.)

; Nasm v 2.15.05 (on Linux x64)
extern  printf
extern  scanf

true    EQU     0x1
false   EQU     0x0

section .data
        notificationString              DB      "num: ", 0x0
        notificationStringFormat        DB      "%s", 0x0                               ; %s\0
        userInputFormat                 DB      "%d", 0x0                               ; %d\0
        resultPrintFormat               DB      "%d", 0xA, 0x0                          ; %d\n\0

section .bss
        number                  RESB    0x8
        _i                      RESB    0x8

section .text
        global main

        ; validate if the given number(RSI) is a prime number

                mov     r10,  0x2               ; looping variable

                        mov     rax, rdi        ;rsi
                        mov     rbx, r10
                        div     rbx

                        cmp     rdx, 0x0
                        je      _itIsNotPrime
                        jne     _notDetermined

                        ; None prime number cases go here
                                mov     rax, false

                                inc     r10
                                mov     r9, r10
                                cmp     r9, rdi         ;rsi
                                je      _itIsPrime      ; Fully inspected and confirmed it is a prime number.
                                jne     _inspect        ; Not fully inspected. Continue checking.

                        mov rax, true

                ; initialize
                push    rbp
                mov     rbp, rsp

                mov     rdi, notificationString
                mov     rsi, notificationStringFormat
                call    printf

                mov     rdi, userInputFormat
                mov     rsi, number
                call    scanf

                ;mov    rax, 0x2
                ;mov    [_i], rax
                mov     QWORD [_i], 0x2

                        mov     rdi, [_i]
                        call    isPrimeNumber           ; true(0x1)     will return if it is a prime number
                                                        ; false(0x0)    will return if it is not a prime number

                        cmp     rax, true
                        je      _primeTrue
                        jne     _primeFalse
                                mov     rdi, resultPrintFormat
                                mov     rsi, [_i]
                                call    printf
                                jmp     _primeEnd

                        ;mov    r10, [_i]
                        ;add    r10, 0x1
                        ;mov    [_i], r10
                        add     QWORD [_i], 0x1

                        cmp     QWORD [_i], number
                        jle     _loop

                ; end program
                mov     rsp, rbp
                pop     rbp

fix) With @Jester's help, I fixed number value reserves 0x8 bytes and _i reserves the same amount. So, there aren't any unexpected values in those.


  • I solved the problem. It looks like just using number in the comparison statement didn't reference the exact value in the memory. So, I changed my code to make it refer to the direct memory value by adding the square bracket to do that and comparing them. (number -> [number])


    cmp     QWORD [_i], number  ; _i referred correctly, but number isn't.
    jle     _loop


    mov r10, [_i]
    mov r11, [number]
    cmp r10, r11
    jl  _loop
    jnl _loop_end       ; Refer to the full code below. It just means the end of _loop.

    The full code I finally finished is:

    ; Nasm v 2.15.05 (on Linux x64)
    extern  printf
    extern  scanf
    true    EQU     0x1
    false   EQU     0x0
    section .data
            notificationString              DB      "num: ", 0x0
            notificationStringFormat        DB      "%s", 0x0                               ; %s\0
            userInputFormat                 DB      "%d", 0x0                               ; %d\0
            resultPrintFormat               DB      "%d", 0xA, 0x0                          ; %d\n\0
    section .bss
            number                  RESB    0x8
            _i                      RESB    0x8
    section .text
            global main
            ; validate if the given number(RSI) is a prime number
                    mov     r10,  0x2               ; looping variable
                            mov     rax, rdi        ;rsi
                            mov     rbx, r10
                            div     rbx
                            cmp     rdx, 0x0
                            je      _itIsNotPrime
                            jne     _notDetermined
                            ; None prime number cases go here
                                    mov     rax, false
                                    inc     r10
                                    mov     r9, r10
                                    cmp     r9, rdi         ;rsi
                                    je      _itIsPrime      ; Fully inspected and confirmed it is a prime number.
                                    jne     _inspect        ; Not fully inspected. Continue checking.
                            mov rax, true
                    ; initialize
                    push    rbp
                    mov     rbp, rsp
                    mov     rdi, notificationString
                    mov     rsi, notificationStringFormat
                    call    printf
                    mov     rdi, userInputFormat
                    mov     rsi, number
                    call    scanf
                    mov     QWORD [_i], 0x2
                            mov     rdi, [_i]
                            call    isPrimeNumber           ; true(0x1)     will return if it is a prime number
                                                            ; false(0x0)    will return if it is not a prime number
                            cmp     rax, true
                            je      _primeTrue
                            jne     _primeFalse
                                    mov     rdi, resultPrintFormat
                                    mov     rsi, [_i]
                                    call    printf
                                    jmp     _primeEnd
                            add     QWORD [_i], 0x1
                            ; fixed
                            mov     r10, [_i]
                            mov     r11, [number]
                            cmp     r10, r11
                            jle     _loop
                            jmp     _loop_end
                    ; end program
                    mov     rsp, rbp
                    pop     rbp

    With that code, now you can get the all prime numbers until your input. (You can also try my code.)

    knightchaser@3rdfr13nds:~/assembly/loop$ cat Makefile
    prime_numbers_linux_x64: prime_numbers_linux_x64.asm
            nasm -f elf64 -o prime_numbers_linux_x64.o prime_numbers_linux_x64.asm
            gcc -o prime_numbers_linux_x64 prime_numbers_linux_x64.o -no-pie
            rm -f ./prime_numbers_linux_x64
            rm -f ./prime_numbers_linux_x64.o
    Knightchaser@3rdfr13nds:~/assembly/loop$ make
    knightchaser@3rdfr13nds:~/assembly/loop$ ./prime_numbers_linux_x64
    num: 20