We have a collection with documents called notes like:
"_id": {
"$oid": "64b42008f622157dd5aead17"
"isbn": 9789401466097,
"chapter": 2,
"notes": [
"note": "a note",
"dt": 2374238742345,
"note": "another note about the same book and chapter",
"dt": 2345234234,
and a second similar document (and more)
"_id": {
"$oid": "64b42234f622157dd5aead1c"
"isbn": 9789401466097,
"chapter": 1,
"notes": [
"note": "A note about the same book but another chapter",
"dt": 23742387423
"_id": {
"$oid": "64b42234f6223de7dd5aead1c"
"isbn": 9789401488088,
"chapter": 1,
"notes": [
"note": "something about another book",
"dt": 23742384555
"note": "something else",
"dt": 23452333333
Other similar documents may have the same or other isbs or other chapters.
The combination of isbn and chapter form the unique key for a document.
Then there's the collection of books (hence the isbn). So with:
collection = 'books' # using pythons pymongo
match = {'$match': {'isbn': isbn}}
projection = {'$project':
'_id': '$_id',
'isbn': '$isbn',
'title': '$title',
pipeline = [
I consult and project the collection of books.
What I try to accomplish is to count all of the notes that are made for all of the chapters for the book with a given isbn.
What I've tried:
lookup_notes = {'$lookup':
'from': 'notes',
'localField': 'isbn',
'foreignField': 'isbn',
'as': 'note',
project_notes = {'$project':
"teller": {
"$size": '$note.notes'
pipeline = [
as well as a lot of other attempts using $group, $size and $count. They result in errors or only counting the amount of relevant documents in de notes collection, but not the combined amount of notes inside all of the relevant documents.
For the above example, with isbn=9789401466097 I should get the result 3. Not 2 or 5.
Thanks for the help.
isbn = 9789401466097
match = {"$match": {"isbn": isbn}}
# join 'notes' collection.
lookup_notes = {
"$lookup": {
"from": "notes",
"localField": "isbn",
"foreignField": "isbn",
"as": "related_notes",
# deconstruct the notes array.
unwind_notes = {
"$unwind": "$related_notes"
# deconstruct the notes inside the related_notes.
unwind_inner_notes = {
"$unwind": "$related_notes.notes"
# count the notes.
group_notes = {
"$group": {
"_id": "$isbn",
"count": {"$sum": 1}
pipeline = [match, lookup_notes, unwind_notes, unwind_inner_notes, group_notes]
result = books_collection.aggregate(pipeline)