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Distinct results from Spring Data JPA Specification by one column

I have the following table on database:

id employee_id title created_at
1 10 title1 2022-10-10
1 10 title2 2022-10-11

I want fetch data by distinct on title column;

by sql I can do this:

select distinct on (employee_id) *
from contracts
order by employee_id, created_at desc

The size of result is one and it is correct:

id employee_id title created_at
1 10 title2 2022-10-11

But when I want implement this by psecification, cannot distinct result by column:

Specification { root: Root<Contract>, query: CriteriaQuery<*>, criteriaBuilder: CriteriaBuilder ->
            val firstNamePredicate: Predicate =
                    criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get<String>("employee").get<String>("id"), "1")

This query return all rows that employee_id is equals 1.

I applied below changes, but result not changed:<String>("employee").get("id")).distinct(true)

How can I apply distinct on column?


  • Another solution in SQL is to use max function. In this question, I want to find employee by bigger created_at value. I can use follow SQL query:

    select employee_id, max(created_at)
    from contracts
    group by employee_id;

    Following the above answer, I used the below solution on Specification:

    Subquery<Long> sub = q.subquery(Long.class);     
    Root<Contract> subRoot = sub.from(Contract.class);"created_at")))
       .where(cb.equal(root.get("employee_id"), subRoot.get("employee_id")));
    return cb.equal(root.get("created_at"), sub);