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How to add a new column to the output within an rapply function?

In a nested list with three levels, I need to reach the third level (i.e., resources) and check whether some special characters exist in the data. I use the code below to do it:

obj1 <- list(resource = list(bodyPart = c("leg", "arm", "knee"),side = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT"), device = c("LLI", "LSM", "GHT"), id = c("AA", "BB", "CC")) %>%, cat = list(lab = c("aa", "bb", "cc"), id = c(23, 24, 25)) %>%
obj2 <- list(resource = list(bodyPart = c("leg", "arm", "knee"), side = c("LEFT", "LEFT", "LEFT"), device = c("GOM", "LSM", "YYY"), id = c("ZZ", "DD", "FF")) %>%

x <- list(foo = c(fer = "wdb", obj1), bar = obj2)


data.frame(has_invalid_character = x |> rapply(f = \(node) grepl("[^\x01-\x7F]", node)),
           content =  x |> rapply(f = \(node) node)

Now I need to add the information included in the id column to the row names so that I can identify where each case happens in my data. for instance, instead of foo.resource.bodyPart1, I need to have foo.resource.bodyPart.AA. Similarly, foo.resource.bodyPart2, should be replaced by foo.resource.bodyPart.BB Could you please advise me on it?

sample output:

                             has_invalid_character content
foo.fer                                   FALSE     wdb
foo.resource.bodyPart1.AA                 FALSE     leg
foo.resource.bodyPart2.BB                 FALSE     arm
foo.resource.bodyPart3.CC                 FALSE    knee
foo.resource.side1.AA                     FALSE    LEFT
foo.resource.side2.BB                     FALSE   RIGHT
foo.resource.side3.CC                     FALSE    LEFT                           FALSE     aa                           FALSE     bb                           FALSE     cc


  • based on your example data:

    ## ------------------ see (1)
    modify_tree(x, leaf = \(node) {
      if( && !is.null(node$id)){
        ids <- node$id
        lapply(node, FUN = \(col) setNames(col, ids))
      } else {
        setNames(node, 'NA')
    }) |> 
    ## ------------------ see (2)
      unlist() |>
      data.frame() |>
      setNames(nm = 'content') |>
      rownames_to_column('parent') |>
      rowwise() |>
      mutate(frags = strsplit(parent, '\\.'),
             parent = paste(rev(rev(frags)[-1]),collapse =  '.'),
             id = tail(frags, 1)
             ) |>
      select(-frags) |>
      ## filter out the content of the initial id columns:
      filter(!grepl('\\.id', parent)) |>
      ## do the actual scan for unwanted characters:
      mutate(has_invalid_char = grepl('[^\x01-\x7F]', content))

    (1) this one operates recursively down the nested lists, checking whether the node at hand is a dataframe and bears an ID-column (named "id"). If so, it digests the dataframe by returning each column as a vector, named with the ID-column. Caution: currently ignores dataframes without ID-column. If the node is not an ID-ed dataframe, it is returned as a vector with 'NA'-character as ID.

    (2) routing reshaping and processing, finally running the character check

    # A tibble: 22 x 4
    # Rowwise: 
       parent                content id    has_invalid_char
       <chr>                 <chr>   <chr> <lgl>           
     1 foo.fer               wdb     NA    FALSE           
     2 foo.resource.bodyPart leg     AA    FALSE           
     3 foo.resource.bodyPart arm     BB    FALSE           
     4 foo.resource.bodyPart knee    CC    FALSE           
     5 foo.resource.side     LEFT    AA    FALSE           
     6 foo.resource.side     RIGHT   BB    FALSE           
     7 foo.resource.side     LEFT    CC    FALSE           
     8 foo.resource.device   LLI     AA    FALSE           
     9 foo.resource.device   LSM     BB    FALSE           
    10 foo.resource.device   GHT     CC    FALSE           
    # i 12 more rows