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MS Access query: can't filter data using a criteria expression from a combo box

I have a table with data. Each record has dates and other data. I build a query to let user filter by time-period. In the query I use DataPart() in separate columns of the query just to segregate year ("YYYY") and month ("m") from the date of interest. I have a form with two combos: one with a list of years (e.g. 2020, 2021...) and the another one with a list of months (e.g. 1,2,3...) Everything works smoothly unless I select "Q1" in the combo (related to this string: 1 or 2 or 3 ,for example) that would end in an empty query. If I write 1 or 2 or 3 directly in the query criteria it works perfectly. Of course, if I write the same criteria with quotation marks ("1 or 2 or 3") it will fail the same way.

I tried hundreds of different ways to solve this, but I can't find a solution. Even with an IIF statement in the query criteria (e.g. IIF combo is Q1 then 1 or 2 or 3) won't work: whatever I write there different from a number will fail. I think that I am stuck with a dumb problem, sort of type mismatch, but unfortunately can't work it out. Every suggestion will be really appreciated. Thank you very much.


  • You can't do that unless you use VBA to rewrite the SQL like this if the combobox returns "1, 2, 3":

    SQL = "Select * From Table Where DatePart('m', [DateField]) In (" & [YourMonthComboBox] & ")"

    Or, here the RowSource, split the value returned from the combobox if it can return, say, "M1", "M2", or "Q1" into its parts - for Q1, "Q" and "1":

    Select * From Table Where DatePart(Mid([YourMonthComboBox], 1, 1), [DateField]) = Mid([YourMonthComboBox], 2)