I am creating a new tab with some stacked buttons in revit. I need to place a button without text such as the attached image: .
I am using the following code:
RibbonPanel panelMenu6 = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, panelNameMenu6);
//create large buttons
PushButtonData Button23 = new PushButtonData("Button 23", "Button 23", directoryName + @"\pyRevit.dll", "pyRevit.TheCommand");
PushButton button23 = panelMenu6.AddItem(Button23) as PushButton;
button23.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(directoryName + "\\Icons Resources\\Button 17 -bulleted-list-16 (2).png"));
//create small buttons
PushButtonData Button24 = new PushButtonData("Button 24", "Button 24", directoryName + @"\pyRevit.dll", "pyRevit.TheCommand");
Button24.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(directoryName + "\\Icons Resources\\Button 23 -address-16 (2).png"));
PushButtonData Button25 = new PushButtonData("Button 25", "Button 25", directoryName + @"\pyRevit.dll", "pyRevit.TheCommand");
Button25.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(directoryName + "\\Icons Resources\\Button 24 -paint-palette-16 (2).png"));
panelMenu6.AddStackedItems(Button24, Button25);
I tried to send an empty string instead of "button 25" but I receive an exception "The value cannot be empty. Parameter name: text".
That's the code when I receive the error. For instance, Button 24 without text:
PushButtonData Button24 = new PushButtonData("Button 24", **""**, directoryName + @"\pyRevit.dll", "pyRevit.TheCommand");
I try to create a pushbutton such as those in the attached pic 1. Image only and no text
Thanks to this blog I was able to create buttons without text. here is the code
using AW = Autodesk.Windows;
/// <summary>
/// Each item shall be converted into Autodesk windows item
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tabName"></param>
/// <param name="panelName"></param>
/// <param name="itemName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public AW.RibbonItem GetButton(string tabName, string panelName, string itemName)
AW.RibbonControl ribbon = AW.ComponentManager.Ribbon;
foreach (AW.RibbonTab tab in ribbon.Tabs)
if (tab.Name == tabName)
foreach (AW.RibbonPanel panel in tab.Panels)
if (panel.Source.Title == panelName)
return panel.FindItem("CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%"
+ tabName + "%" + panelName + "%" + itemName,
true) as AW.RibbonItem;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// A List contains items which shall be without text
/// after converting each item to autodesk windows item using getbutton method
/// set the text display to false
/// and set the size to large
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ribbonItem"></param>
/// <param name="tabName"></param>
/// <param name="panelName"></param>
public void editNoTextButtons(IList<RibbonItem> ribbonItem, string tabName, string panelName)
foreach (var item in ribbonItem)
var adwinbutton = GetButton(tabName, panelName, item.Name);
adwinbutton.ShowText = false;
adwinbutton.Size = Autodesk.Windows.RibbonItemSize.Large;