I am writing a tetris game with the ncurses library. I am struggling to write the method which detects whether the tetromino can be placed into a new empty space or it is collided with an other tetromino or with the borders.
Every tetromino is derived from an array called shapes
, which can be found at: link
So every tetromino is a 4x4 array where there can be coloured elements (the value refers to the color itself) and empty spaces as well (denoted as 0).
There is a colobuffer (2d array) in my app, which contains all of the tetrominos as well as the current, falling tetromino. The currentBrick is a type of a Brick class, which contains each cell location building up the tetromino on the game map (colorbuffer).
Here is my method:
bool canPlaceTetromino(int distanceX, int distanceY) {
for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
if (shapes[currentBrick.type][currentBrick.rotation][y][x] != 0) {
int boardX = currentBrick.cellsPos[y][x].x + distanceX;
int boardY = currentBrick.cellsPos[y][x].y + distanceY;
if (boardX < 0 || boardX >= MAPWIDTH || boardY >= MAPHEIGHT || gameBoardColours[boardY][boardX] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
My problem is, how can I eliminate the option, when the method above also detecting collision with the tetromino itself? I mean, I handle the tetromino as an objects containing cells/pixels, so it is not a point location. I need add the distanceX and distanceY to each cell of the tetromino, but that case I will detect a "self-collision" as well.
Here is the brick class by the way:
class Brick
int type;
int rotation;
pos cellsPos[4][4]={};
void rotate(bool collided);
void updateCellX(int difference);
void updateCellY(int difference);
Could you just:
I'm assuming that the current tetromino is in a valid position. This solution won't work if that is not the case.