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How to mock a builder using MockK so that the builder functions are commutative?

I got some code which I want to test using MockK as a mocking library:

fun loadImage(imageLoader: coil.ImageLoader) {
    val request = ImageRequest.Builder(imageView.context)

I am able to mock this using a hierarchical approach:

val request: ImageRequest = mockk()
val imageLoader: coil.ImageLoader = mockk(relaxed = true)
every { anyConstructed<ImageRequest.Builder>().data(any()) } returns mockk {
    every { crossfade(any<Boolean>()) } returns mockk {
        every { build() } returns request


verify { imageLoader.enqueue(request) }

So this is problematic since I also test the order in which the builder functions are called. When I would switch the .data and .crossfade calls the test would break while the implementation still works.

Is there a better way to apprach this?


  • I think what you're looking for is answers { this.self as ImageRequest.Builder } instead of returns mockk().

    However, for multiple builder functions it gets pretty tedious/repetitive with many calls to anyConstructed...answers{}. If you define this function somewhere:

        inline fun <reified T : Any> mockBuilder(crossinline block: MockKMatcherScope.(T) -> T) {
            every { block(anyConstructed<T>()) } answers {
                this.self as T

    you can use it like:

        every { anyConstructed<ImageRequest.Builder>().build() } returns mockk()
        mockBuilder<ImageRequest.Builder> { }
        mockBuilder<ImageRequest.Builder> { it.crossfade(any<Boolean>()) }

    It'll work with capturing also, if you want to know how you are building out that ImageRequest.